I'm keen to hear from collectors, former telecom employees, former BT engineers as well as current telecom employees and anyone with telephone cards that they'd like to sell. In fact anyone with a connection or interest in telephone cards.
There are very few places online today that cover the hobby of telephone card collecting. With peoples contributions and help, I'd like to make this website a fantastic resource for everything phonecard related from the beginning in the early eighties right through to the present day. Whilst at the same time help to fill in missing gaps in my own collection. Read more about me.
You can contact me, either via the following email address:
Or contact me via my Facebook page: Facbook.com/TelephoneCardCollector
I normally answer emails/messages the same or following day, if I've not come back to you within a few days, it may be worth resending your email or checking your junk/spam folder?
I welcome and receive emails/enquiries from all over the world. Let me just say that my knowledge of non United Kingdom (UK) phonecards is very limited. However you are more than welcome to contact me. If you are a collector from an overseas country e.g. Canada, if you contact me, I may be able to point people in your direction and vice versa?
If you're a private collector like myself, I'd like to hear from you. It could be what you think of this website or what you'd like to see, etc. Plus if you'd like or can contribute any telephone card related content to this website, which could be insightful or a funny story, photos, etc. I'd really like to hear from you and hopefully include comments and any material you may have on my website.
Likewise if you are an overseas collector of different countries telephone cards e.g. Australia, I'd be keen to hear from you. In time I plan to develop pages covering different telecoms and countries cards too.
I'm happy to credit contributions at the website - equally if you wish to remain anonymous I can guarantee that your privacy will be respected.
I'd love to hear from anyone who has any British Phonecards, especially British Telecom (BT), New World Payphones or Mercury Communication phonecards that they'd like to sell or even giveaway!
I also say "giveaway", not to sound cheeky, but some kind people have sent cards free of charge to me. I don't expect that at all, but it is always greatly appreciated. I am always happy to pay any postal/packaging expenses.
If you have some or even just a single card that you'd like to sell, please see my sell phonecards page, which includes details on how best to let me know what you have or alternatively simply contact me via either of the two methods mentioned towards the top of this page.
Did you used to work in the BT Phonecard department? Did you used work at Landis and Gyr (L&G) factory in Croydon where BT Phonecards were manufactured in the UK (or even the factories/laboratories in Switzerland & France)?
Maybe you were one of the many BT employees who had their name grace the front or reverse of a BT Phonecard? As well as collecting the cards, I'm also looking to tell the story of BT Phonecards on this website. Can you help to fill in missing gaps in my collection and/or help with the story of optical or chip BT Phonecards?
Along with collecting BT Phonecards I'm also extremely keen to obtain BT Phonecard marketing/promotional information. A lot of these items were sent by British Telecoms to their network of resellers e.g. newsagents and included posters, stickers, hanging mobile and window displays, etc. Of course many would have been used at the time and long disposed of, but are you a shop keeper with old BT Phonecard promotional items in your store? If so, I'd like to hear from you.
Throughout the eighties British Telecom produced a newsletter for their resellers called: Phonecard News, I so far have one copy from Christmas 1988. Do you have further copies? Again if you do, please contact me.
Do you own or run a telephone card related website? Please send over the details, if it's relevant I'd like to mention and include a link from my website.
Last updated: 2nd January 2025
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